LD@75 Outreach
  • Tree Plantation Activity

    Tree Plantation Activity
    A tree plantation event was organized by the first year students of Chemical department on 01/08/2018. The event was sponsored by Ultratech Cement Limited. High level officials of Ultratech cement along with students and faculties of Chemical department planted more than 100 saplings in the campus. The industry officials encouraged the students to take up such social and environmental events. The industry assured of their support on conducting such events. Dr. G. P. Vadodaria, Principal, LDCE attended the event and encouraged the students. The students took pledge under his patronage that they will take care of the saplings till they grow up. The students created their own groups and each group was assigned saplings which they have to water, nurture and take care till the plantation can be self sustained. Prof. Sachin Parikh thanked the industry official for sponsoring such a noble cause. The event was attended by all the faculty members of Chemical department and Prof. B. H. Shah.  
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  • Career Counseling Session by Career Launcher

    Career Counseling Session by Career Launcher
    Career launcher had arranged a career counseling session for pre final and final year students of the chemical engineering students on 25th July 2018. In this session students were asked to write about their career plans. Students were asked many questions about themselves. Based on the results, students were counseled. Students came to know about themselves after this session and what they really want and which kind of job opportunity suit them, how they can prepare themselves for future endeavors etc were the major outcomes of the session. Few 
     ommon advises were given to student so that can wisely choose their career in their field and of expertise and they can improve hemselves where they were lacking. 
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  • expert lecture on “Entrepreneurship as a career option for engineering students” by the founder of G Auto- Mr Nirmal Kumar

    expert lecture on “Entrepreneurship as a career option for engineering students” by the founder of G Auto- Mr Nirmal Kumar
    An expert lecture on “Entrepreneurship as a career option for engineering students” was arranged by the chemical engineering department on 21-7-2018 for all the students of the branch. Expert speaker was the founder of G Auto- Mr Nirmal Kumar. He encouraged students by narrating his own story of establishing the “G-Auto” Mr Nirav Kumar talked about the basic skills needed to become an entrepreneur and how students can build these qualities during their college life. He also asked students to initiate the survey and research in the field they want to start as an entrepreneur. He also put stress on new and innovative ideas. He talked about many “success and failure” stories and one of the major factor for business “Risk taking behavior”. He also cited few examples of engineers  who turned out to be very successful entrepreneurs. This encouraged students to become entrepreneurs. Lastly he satisfied all the queries raise by the students. By his lecture, Mr Nirav Kumar opened a new career option for all the students. 
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  • Startup Sensitization Expert Lecture under SSIP for Chemical Engineering Students

    Startup Sensitization Expert Lecture under SSIP for Chemical Engineering Students
    An expert lecture on Startup was organised on 21/07/2018 by Chemical Engineering Department under SSIP for all the BE students of Chemical Department. Mr. Nirmal Kumar, founder of G-Auto delivered the lecture and inspired students regarding various aspects of entrepreneurship and startup .
  • expert lecture titled “Personality development for campus placement” by Mr Sachin Sehgal

    expert lecture titled “Personality development for campus placement” by Mr Sachin Sehgal
    On 19th July 2018, expert lecture titled “Personality development for campus placement” was arranged by the chemical engineering department for pre final year students. Main motive of the lecture was to build the corporate values amongst the students by developing their personality. Mr Sachin Sehgal was the key note speaker for the same. He talked about the role of personality while appearing for the interviews. Development of positive attitude and positive change is personality development according to Mr Sehgal. He encouraged students to utilize the college and campus life for developing few skills which can benefit them during their placements. Confidence, body language, team work, time management, self motivation, leading quality etc were the sub topics of the lecture. He elaborated all these points and discussed about the ways to develop such qualities in the students.  
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  • Orientation 2k18

    Orientation 2k18
    Orientation programme for first year BE students of chemical engineering department was arranged on 19/7/18. DIstinguished alumnis were invited to motivate and guide the students for starting their college life. Students of BE chemical 5th semester and 3rd semester coordinated and managed the whole event under the guidance of Prof (Dr.) Purvi B Shukla.
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  • Orientation 2k18 Team

    Orientation 2k18 Team
    Faculty Coordinator: Dr. (Prof.) Purvi B Shukla and Dr. (Prof. ) Niral J. Modi
    Student Coordinator : Parth Tanna
  • KAIZEN 2018

    KAIZEN 2018
    The project fair – 2018 of Chemical Engineering Department as a part of KAIZEN – 2018 was organized on 12 th& 13th April, 2018. There were 18 groups of B. E. Final Year students and 12 M. E. Final Year students participated in the event. The projects were displayed in the laboratories of Chemical Engineering Department. The projects of the B.E. and M.E. students were displayed in the form of posters supported by the experimental setups, models and laptops. The projects were evaluated by Prof. (Dr.) Nitin Padhiyar, Professor in Chemical Engineering, IIT, 
     andhinagar and Shri. Hemalbhai Sheth, Deedygroup Company.
    Principal Prof. (Dr.) G. P. Vadodaria along with media personnel and other dignitaries visited the project displayed by students. They took great interest in the projects and encouraged the faculties and students to take up more research activity in the department. Prof. J. K. Vyas, Head, Industrial Pollution Prevention, Center for Environment Education also visited the department and reviewed the projects. The students enthusiastically presented their project work to the other dignitaries and students who visited the department throughout the day. The student who visited the event got information about innovation aspects in Chemical engineering field and its importance in today’s context. All the dignitaries and students who were present during the event gave a very positive feedback about the event.  
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  • A 2 day workshop on "Recent trends in chemical engineering environmental management" by Dr. S K Das (PDPU), Dr. Vimal Gandhi (DDIT), Mr. D N Sharma (Ex Officer, Saurashtra Chemicals)

    A 2 day workshop on "Recent trends in chemical engineering  environmental management" by Dr. S K Das (PDPU), Dr. Vimal Gandhi (DDIT), Mr. D N Sharma (Ex Officer, Saurashtra Chemicals)
    A wo-day NO-day workshop on Recent Trends in Chemical Engineering Environmental Management" was  organised during 26th March 2018 to 27th March 2018 by the chemical engineering department. The main aim of the workshop was to make the students aware hout the ongoing trends in environmental management. 
     academicians and experts from the industries were invited to deliver the lectures. Mr SK Das (PDPU), Dr Vimal Gandhi DDIT) and ex officer from Saurashtra Chemical Pvt Ltd- Mr DN Sharma were the experts. In this workshop, experts briefed about the current scenario of environmental management. They explained the term environmental management and said that industries are the major consumers of water and energy. They talked about the major challenges faced by the industries now a days and how issues are deat by the industries. Various systematic approaches to reduce the water and energy consumptions, material minimization techniques etc can be incorporated in industries through recent techniques to deal with environmental impacts 
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  • Industrial visit to The Green Environment Services Co-op. Soc. Ltd.,Vatva, Ahmedabad

    Industrial visit to The Green Environment Services Co-op. Soc. Ltd.,Vatva, Ahmedabad
    An industrial visit was organized for pre final year students at The Green Environment Services Co-op. Soc. Ltd, a common effluent treatment plant (CETP) at Vatva on 19th March 2018. The CETP collects wastewater from various types of chemical industries located in GIDC-Vatva and treat them and dispose the treated effluent as per GPCB guidelines. Around 36 students of 6th semester of Chemical branch were exposed to the various phases of wastewater treatment like primary, secondary and tertiary treatment processes. Overall, the CETP benefited the students providing them practical exposure in the field of waste water treatment. Prof. R. P. Bhatt, Prof. T. S. Rajaraman and Prof. R. K. Kanzariya coordinated the visit. 
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